fa cup semi final

ok, this 'listening to the radio over the internet' is all very fine, but i find it somewhat annoying, when you can't listen to something due to the country you are in.
i AM currently paying £12 a month for my TV licence back in uk, but cannot listen to bbc football commentary in canada.
does it matter where in the world I am - my ears are with me wherever i go - i'm the one paying the money
when i am back, i shall cancel the thing, and only pay on a pro-rata basis - i should get money back for the time i am asleep, or out shopping, or watching a dvd.
don't get me started.
suitably unimpressed to say the least.
and to make matters worse, i now am on a quest to find a pub in downtown ottawa that will be showing the other semi-final tomorrow between west ham and middlesbro. it's either that, or attempt to watch it on chinese tv via the internet. controversial, however quite amusing, allegedly.