Tuesday, November 14, 2006

isn't it marvelous...

... when you hear that they are seriously going through with the redundancies at the end of the year at my old stomping ground.
should have stayed there until now - 7 months and 16 days on, and they are getting a nice juicy payout.
wouldn't have minded, but some of them didn't even turn up for work for 6 months at a time...

i wonder if they have left my old job open?
doubt it - probably being done by a 15 year old with more qualifications...

Monday, November 13, 2006

battlestar galactica, season 3

i am liking this programme a lot.

especially 'sharon' or rather 'athena' even though she is a cylon.

Friday, November 10, 2006

unreal adverts part 2

unreal - so watching telly last night - advert came on (what a surprise). Anyway, it was for duracell, and to cut a long story short, there's these 2 aliens that need a jump start, and use a duracell bunny to get their alien flying saucer going.
all very fine, but they put the word 'dramatization' at the bottom of the screen. i mean, come off it - ya don't say. i thought it was real, and the first recorded instance of life from another planet was recorded by the ad company and a duracell bunny.

whatever next.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

been a while

yes well now the month of November is upon us once again.
weather starting to turn a bit taters - bit of snow last week, but currently a pleasant +8 degrees, so not too bad.

saw 'the prestige' last week - very good as it happens. good old twist towards the end, and very well acted - not quite sure what david bowie was doing there, but, there you go.

on another note, was hoping to get some sort of senators beanie hat, but they only had kids ones or ones with ridiculous bobbles on the top, or things floating about to cover ones ears - a la mode deputy dawg - whats that all about.

still, now's the time to get shortsleeved shirts and stuff - all cheap cheap.
unless you go in to 'banana republic' where its really nice stuff, but bit on the costly tip.

and why oh why oh why do they have adverts every bloody 10 seconds on CBC?
i mean, you just get in to watching frasier, and he says one comedy line and then there's an advert for canadian tire or something.
what's that all about - enough's enough's - this is why a 90 minute film takes about 2 and half hours methinks.

whatever next - they'll be letting you turn right on a red light next.